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  • Foto: Kiran West

Mon, Jun. 22, 2026, 7.00 pm | Main Stage

Advance ticket sales start in 71 days on Mon, May 19, 2025, 11.00 am
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The School of the Hamburg Ballet

First Steps

Whether it's classical ballet, modern dance, or contemporary repertoire – with "First Steps," the Ballet School of Hamburg Ballet presents a family-friendly and diverse program that offers insights into all aspects of the extensive education. Students of all levels, from preschool to graduates on the verge of entering the professional dance world, showcase their talent and skill on the stage of the Hamburg Opera House. In doing so, they experience the atmosphere of the grand stage and learn about the world of performances – also a key aspect of their training to become professional dancers.

The versatile evening combines a look at the "first steps" of children and young people from over 30 nations with a preview of the dancers of tomorrow, both for Hamburg Ballet and for ensembles around the world.

In 2026, the Director of the Ballet School and Artistic Director of Hamburg Ballet, Demis Volpi, will create a new ballet for the students.


Venue: Main Stage, Dammtorstraße 28, 20354 Hamburg
Prices: 6,00 EUR to 109,00 EUR

no advance ticket sale yet Please find relevant information regarding advance ticket sales in the service area of our website.

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