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Publisher and Editorial Staff

Hamburgische Staatsoper GmbH
Große Theaterstraße 25
20354 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 / 35 68-989
Fax: +49 40 / 35 68-988

Managing Directors: Demis Volpi, Georges Delnon, Dr. Ralf Klöter
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Senator Dr. Carsten Brosda
Registered Office: Hamburg
Register Court: District Court (Amtsgericht) of Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 28198
VAT ID Number: DE 118509784
Responsible for Content: Jean-Jacques Defago (Hamburg Ballet)

Photographies on this website are by Kiran West. Some photos under "History" are by Holger Badekow.
Any form of reproduction for further publication of the photos without written permission of the author is forbidden. The photos on the page "Season 2025/26 – Editorial" are by Laura Schaeffer (Banner) and Matthias Baus (Demis Volpi).
Copyright by Kiran West and Holger Badekow

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Web Design

gradwerk GmbH

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Despite careful checking of content, we cannot assume responsibility for the content of external links, for which their authors are solely responsible.

Dispute Settlement

The EU provides an online platform for out-of-court dispute resolution for consumers under this link. Hamburgische Staatsoper GmbH is not obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board, but is in principle ready to do so.

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