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Financial Assistence and Sponsorship

Two associations support and sponsor the students of the School of the Hamburg Ballet:

Freunde des Ballettzentrums e.V.

Since 1982 the foundation Freunde des Ballettzentrums e.V. provides scholarships and supports the school financially. Many former scholarship holders are now dancers of The Hamburg Ballet. The society also aids students participating in international competitions such as the Prix de Lausanne, facilitate the invitation of guest teachers, and support the exchange program with the National Ballet School of Canada or other educational facilities.

Further Information can be obtained from the following address:

Freunde des Ballettzentrums e.V.
c/o Ballettzentrum Hamburg – John Neumeier
Caspar-Voght-Str. 54
D-20535 Hamburg

Membership application form – Download

Ballettfreunde Hamburg e.V.

The second organization offering financial aid to the school is the foundation Ballettfreunde Hamburg e.V. which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2006. It supports and sponsors students with scholarships and donations for other school activities.

Further Information can be obtained from the following address:

Ballettfreunde Hamburg e.V.
Gurlittstr. 16
D-20099 Hamburg

The societies and the School of The Hamburg Ballet are grateful for any donations.

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