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  • Silvano Ballone

Sun, Mar. 09, 2025, 7.30 pm - 10.00 pm | Ernst Deutsch Theater

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The School of the Hamburg Ballet

Creativity Workshop XV

Final year students present their own compositions in two programmes over the period of six evenings. The young dancers are not only responsible for creating the choreography, but also for the choice of music, the lighting and costume design and the staging. Their fellow students are cast and dance in an array of diverse works. This is a big step on the road to their future careers as professional dancers.

Program I: March 3, 4 and 5, 2025
Program II: March 7, 8 and 9, 2025
7.30 pm

Open to the public Warm-Up at 7.00 pm

Tickets available at the Ernst Deutsch Theater:
040 / 22 70 14 20 or

>> Ernst Deutsch Theater – Info & Tickets

Venue: Ernst Deutsch Theater

presale via event holder Tickets for this event can solely be purchased via the organizer.

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