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The Seagull | Ballet by John Neumeier based on Anton Chekhov

On a secluded country estate, people from multiple generations come together, each bringing different views on life and art. Many of them are artists or aspire [...]

Revival: Sun 21. Sep. 2025


Surrogate Cities | Hamburg New Version

The music cycle "Surrogate Cities" was created by the German composer and music theater innovator Heiner Goebbels (*1952) in 1994 and is considered one of his [...]

Premiere: Sun 07. Dec. 2025


POINT OF NO RETURN | Mixed Bill with works by Xie Xin, Angelin Preljocaj, Marcos Morau and Demis Volpi

In every life, in every society and in every era, there comes a "point of no return": a moment when everything changes and from which there is no going back. [...]

Premiere: Sun 22. Feb. 2026


Wonderland | Ballet by Alexei Ratmansky after Lewis Carroll

They are considered to be among the very first fantasy books, have been enchanting generations of young readers for over 100 years and make adults smile but [...]

Premiere: Sat 20. Jun. 2026


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