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A Streetcar Named Desire | Ballet by John Neumeier based on Tennessee Williams

John Neumeier's choreographed version of Tennessee Williams' theater classic originally premiered in 1983 with Marcia Haydée and the Stuttgart Ballet. The [...]

next performance: Wed 30. Apr. 2025


The Glass Menagerie | Ballet by John Neumeier based on Tennessee Williams

"The Glass Menagerie" was the foundation of Tennessee Williams's fame as one of the most important writers in the US of the 20th century. Although the success [...]

no further performances this season


Jane Eyre | Ballet by Cathy Marston based on the Novel by Charlotte Brontë

Young Jane lives through an unhappy childhood. Despite adverse conditions in a boarding school for orphan girls, the heroine takes the initiative as a young [...]

no further performances this season


Epilogue | Ballet by John Neumeier

John Neumeier has created an intimate, chamber music-like work with piano and singing on stage. It is a rather abstract ballet of quiet tones and subtle [...]

next performance: Fri 10. Oct. 2025


The Nutcracker | Ballet by John Neumeier

John Neumeier's “The Nutcracker” invites you to dream. The ballet tells the story of 12-year-old Marie, who receives a nutcracker and a pair of shiny, pink [...]

next performance: Sun 21. Dec. 2025


Romeo and Juliet | Ballet in three parts by John Neumeier after Shakespeare's Tragedy

"John Neumeier’s Shakespeare adaptation has over time become a classic. After numerous revivals and revisions, the ballet has not lost any of its freshness. [...]

next performance: Fri 16. May. 2025


Creativity Workshop | The School of the Hamburg Ballet

Final year students present their own compositions in two programmes over the period of six evenings. The young dancers are not only responsible for creating [...]

no further performances this season


A Midsummer Night's Dream | Ballet by John Neumeier based on William Shakespeare

"And sleep, that sometimes shuts up sorrow's eye, Steal me awhile from mine own company." A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act III, Scene 2 Music: Felix [...]

next performance: Fri 28. Mar. 2025


The Odyssey | Ballet by John Neumeier after Homer

One of the most important pieces of poetry is the epic "Odyssey" by the Greek lyricist Homer. John Neumeier decided to dedicate to this comprehensive work about [...]

next performance: Fri 11. Apr. 2025


Saint Matthew Passion | Ballet by John Neumeier

“One comes to feel that this is a community of people who have decided to enact the Passion as in a medieval mystery play. Each dancer expresses grief, doubt, [...]

next performance: Thu 17. Apr. 2025



In John Neumeiers Kreation "Die Unsichtbaren" erkunden die jungen Tänzer*innen des Bundesjugendballett die Öffnung Deutschlands für moderne Tanzrichtungen in [...]

next performance: Sun 08. Jun. 2025


Nijinsky | Ballet by John Neumeier

"Nijinsky's life can be summarized easily: ten years of growing, ten years of learning, ten years of dancing, thirty years of darkness," biographer Richard [...]

next performance: Wed 11. Jun. 2025


Guest Company La Veronal: Sonoma

"If there is a heaven, it is here and now." Luis Buñuel  Sonoma is not a word that you will find in a dictionary. However, it contains phonemes from [...]

next performance: Fri 11. Jul. 2025


Nijinsky Gala L

The grand finale of the Hamburg Ballet-Days and of the season will be the "Nijinsky Gala L". The annual gala which is always dedicated to a dance-specific or [...]

next performance: Sun 20. Jul. 2025


Lady of the Camellias | Ballet by John Neumeier based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas

Paris in the 19th century: extravagant balls, visits to the theater, sparkling diamonds, and champagne. Here, Armand Duval, a young man from high society, falls [...]

next performance: Tue 11. Nov. 2025


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