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  • Führung für Familien

Sat, Mar. 08, 2025, 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm | Meeting Point: Stage Door

print print currently no tickets available There are currently no tickets available for this event. It is however possible that unclaimed reservations will expire and go back into sale so that there might be tickets available at a later time.

Führung für Familien

Families with children have the opportunity to book guided tours of the Hamburg State Opera on selected Saturdays. Together we discover rooms that the public is not normally allowed to enter - the stage and workshops as well as the rehearsal rooms and the props store.

For families with children aged 6 and over.


Venue: Meeting Point: Stage Door, Kleine Theaterstraße 1, 20354 Hamburg
Prices: 8,00 EUR to 12,00 EUR

currently no tickets available There are currently no tickets available for this event. It is however possible that unclaimed reservations will expire and go back into sale so that there might be tickets available at a later time.

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