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  • Foto: Niklas Marc Heinecke

Fri, Oct. 11, 2024, 10.00 am - 11.15 am | opera stabile

Gordon Kampe

Kannst du pfeifen, Johanna

Ulf has a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a tadpole in a jar, two euros, four golf balls, a friend and a grandpa. A grandpa is great! But it's unfair that his best friend Berra doesn't have one. So the two boys decide: "We'll find one!" But where do lots of grandpas and grandmas run around? Sure, in the old people's home. So Berra and Ulf set off and meet Nils, a real grandpa. A grandpa who listens to pop songs - "Can you whistle, Johanna ..." With him, Berra can finally build kites, celebrate birthdays, steal cherries and learn to whistle. But how much time do they have left together?
With tango, car horns, a cactus as a percussion instrument and an aria à la Handel, Gordon Kampe's children's opera tells of a cross-generational friendship in an onomatopoeic and melancholy-humorous way, and of the fact that growing older and saying goodbye is part of life.

Production: Maike Schuster
Dramaturgy: Michael Sangkuhl
Music theater pedagogue: Eva Binkle

Supported by the Foundation for the promotion of the Hamburg State Opera


Venue: opera stabile, Kleine Theaterstraße 20354 Hamburg
Prices: 10,00 EUR to 28,00 EUR

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