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  • Andreas Staier (c) Andrej Grilc

Mon, Sep. 09, 2024, 8.00 pm | Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall

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1st Academy Concert - Program III

Kent Nagano

Johann Sebastian Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 BWV 1048 G major

Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, Op. 37

Johannes Brahms: „Nänie” Op. 82 „Schicksalslied” Op. 54 „Gesang der Parzen” Op. 89

Dirigent: Kent Nagano
Klavier: Rafal Blechacz
Cembalo und Leitung J.S. Bach: Andreas Staier
: Hamburger Chöre
: Chor der KlangVerwaltung
Choreinstudierung: Christiane Büttig
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

The 1st Academy Concert, which will be given in three (slightly) different programs, is all about Hamburg: the Philharmonic State Orchestra plays under the direction of chief conductor Kent Nagano and together with various choirs from the Hanseatic city. With Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven (Program I+III), Johannes Brahms and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Program II), four grand masters of music history place the music pen in each other's hands. As different as the times and epochs in which they worked were, they were united by great virtuosity, contrasting expressive quality and the constant search, finding and reinventing of their own musical language. With three slightly changing programs, four equally different and ingenious tonal languages find their way into the Great Hall of the Elbphilharmonie.

Venue: Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall, Platz der Deutschen Einheit 4, 20457 Hamburg

currently no tickets available There are currently no tickets available for this event. It is however possible that unclaimed reservations will expire and go back into sale so that there might be tickets available at a later time.

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