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  • Kiran West

Fri, Jun. 06, 2025, 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm | Main Stage

print print school performance Tickets for this event can solely be purchased as a class set. Please contact our group an school service (040) 35 68 222 or unless otherwise stated.

The School of the Hamburg Ballet

First Steps

Performance exclusively for school classes

Every two years, the School of the Hamburg Ballet showcases the top-notch training of its young dancers – from the youngest pre-school classes to the graduates of the theater classes. A highlight of the program is Demis Volpi's celebrated ballet "The Carnival of the Animals" with the magical music of Camille Saint-Saëns, which transforms animals into sound – an unforgettable dance experience!

Ballet by Demis Volpi
Music: Camille Saint-Saëns – Zoological Fantasy for 2 Piano and Orchestra
Choreography: Demis Volpi
Set and Costumes: Katharina Schlipf
Light Design: Stefan Seyrich-Hofmeister

Demis Volpi choreographed the ballet for the John Cranko School in Stuttgart in 2010. In 2012, John Neumeier added the choreography to the repertory of the School of the Hamburg Ballet.
Demis Volpi's "The Carnival of the Animals" is an imaginative choreography set to Camille Saint-Saens' famous eponymous music. The various animal species and their particular mannerisms are presented in a creative, humorous and highly musical way. Spiced up with surprising visual effects that make young and old alike marvel and laugh, "Carnival of the Animals" is the perfect ballet for all ages.

John Cranko School, Stuttgart Opera House, December 5, 2010
The School of the Hamburg Ballet, Hamburg State Opera, May 15, 2012

Length: 90 minutes (incl. 20 min. intermission)
Tickets: 10,- € (accompanying ticket per 10 students 10,- €)
Interested schools should please contact for tickets.

Venue: Main Stage, Dammtorstraße 28, 20354 Hamburg

school performance Tickets for this event can solely be purchased as a class set. Please contact our group an school service (040) 35 68 222 or unless otherwise stated.

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